


Rotary International’ Statement on Population Growth Development

1. 人口成長如果能同時伴隨著農業生產的增加以及教育的普及,可以成為社會繁榮的重要因素,提供豐沛的勞力來促進經濟發展。但如果人口過度成長,超出經濟所能吸收及整合人口的負荷能力,其結果並不會給大多數人帶來繁榮,反而會向下沉淪,加速造成貧窮、資源缺乏、都市暴力以及環境惡化。其中受影響最嚴重的將是窮人中的窮人。

Population Growth, when accompanied by increased agricultural production and adequate education for all, can be an important element of a prosperous society, providing a strong labor force to help drive the economy. Where population growth exceeds the capacity of the economy to absorb and integrate the population, the result is not prosperity for the majority of the people, but rather a downward spiral of increasing poverty, insufficient resources, urban violence and environmental degradation. The poorest of the poor are the most adversely affected.

2. 全人類,尤其是新世代,的永續發展、環境以及生活品質的維持,都受到人口成長的衝擊。目前的出生率以及平均壽命愈來愈長都是造成人口成長的因素,使得永續發展所需的非再生性資源加速枯竭。透過防飢、關懷老年人、愛滋病防治、識字、以及保護行星地球等計劃,各地的扶輪社已經開始直接或問接處理人口成長問題。

Sustainable development, preservation of the environment and the quality of life for all, people, especially the new generations, is impacted by population growth. Present birth rates and longer life expectancy contribute to accelerate necessary for sustainable development. Through projects such as Hunger, Concern for the Aging, Aids, Literacy and Preserve Planet Earth, Rotary clubs have already begun to address the issue of population growth both directly and indirectly.

3. 國際扶輪鼓勵各扶輪社及地區視情況需要與政府機構、非政府組織及地方上各界領袖合作,甚至直接針對解決人口成長及永續發展問題,採行更多服務計劃。這些計劃之中應涵蓋下列性質之計劃:推廣認識人口問題之教育、提供家庭醫療保健、足夠的營養、以及使個人有能力對於生育間隔之類的問題,充分了解,做出負責任、且符合他們個人價值觀和文化宗教因素的決定。

Rotary International encourages Rotary clubs and districts, working as appropriate with governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and local impact population growth and sustainable development. Projects would include those that promote education on issues of population, access to family health care, adequate nutrition, and enable individuals to make informed and responsible decisions about issues such as child spacing in a way that is in keeping with their personal values and cultural and religious considerations.


Areas of Emphasis related to Population Growth and Development

1. 扶輪社及地區在辦理人口成長及發展計劃時應強調下列重點:

Clubs and districts when developing projects on population growth and development should emphasize the following key areas


Educationparticularly of girl children, adolescents, and mothers

。老年人口Aging population

。水、空氣、動植物Water, Air Flora, and Fauna


。醫療保健之提供,包括家庭醫療保健Access to health care, including

family health care


。瀕臨危險兒童At risk children

。技能培養及就業Skill development and Employment

。識字小型信用貸款Literacy Micro credit

2. 扶輪社及地區在辦理人口成長及發展計劃時應注意,計劃必須:

Clubs and districts when developing projects on population growth and development should note that the projects

。根據社區的要求Be based on the request of the community

。與計劃當地的社會文化契合Incorporate the culture of the societies


。只能協助自願性的家庭計劃,不得牽涉任何強迫性的生育控制Favor only

voluntary family planning, excluding any compulsory birth control

。絕不能以物質來引誘限制生育Never provide material incentives to limit


。尊重所有計劃參與者的權利Respect the rights of all involved

。了解個人有選擇的自由。Be cognizant of the freedom of choice of





聯合國副秘書長兼執行理事沙狄克Nafis Sadik 博士與扶輪基金保管委員會主席前國際扶輪社長薩寶Rajendra Saboo 將在會中發表演講。一同參加者還包括人口研究協會會長佛諾斯Werner Fornos 及國際聯誼會各國會長踴躍出席(35個國家的會長把資訊轉達給各國人數更多的會員)

此會議協調人扶輪人口與發展國際聯誼會會長林賽Buck Lindsay限定出席人數為50人,並希望人口此一議題能深人扶輪思想的主流。該聯誼會在格拉斯高國際年會設一攤位,並分發5月會議的講詞。



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