
 扶輪史上名人雲集 Illustrious names line annals of Rotary history 

前美國總統哈丁(Warren G. Harding)、諾貝爾獎得主小說家湯馬斯‧曼(Thomas Mann)、飛行先驅林白(Orville Wright)、以及發明無線電的義大利物理學家馬可尼(Guglielmo Marconi),都曾是活躍的扶輪社員。英勇的美國海軍軍官與探險家李察‧拜爾德(Richard E. Byrd)與澳洲作曲家法蘭茲‧李哈爾(Franz Lehar)也都是扶輪社員,前者將扶輪旗幟攜帶至南北極,後者在1931年國際扶輪年會中,在知音的扶輪社員面前指揮他的輕歌劇「快樂寡婦」。

Former U.S. President Warren G. Harding, Nobel Prize-winning novelist Thomas Mann, aviation pioneer Orville Wright, and Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi, who invented the wireless, were all active Rotarians. So were the intrepid U.S. naval officer and explorer Richard E. Byrd, who carried the Rotary flag over both the North and South poles, and the Austrian composer Franz Lehár, who conducted his operetta The Merry Widow for an appreciative crowd of Rotarians at the 1931 RI Convention.

如果也把名譽扶輪社員涵蓋在內,喜歡與名人攀親道故的扶輪社員就有更多題材可供發揮,從同時是法國與德國名譽社員的人道主義者亞伯特‧史懷哲(Albert Schweitzer)、棒球好手康尼‧梅克(Connie Mack),到好萊塢傳奇導演兼製作人賽西爾‧迪米爾(Cecil B. DeMille)其他扶輪社員名人包括紐西蘭登山家愛德蒙‧西拉瑞爵士(Sir Edmund Hillary),美國太空人法蘭克‧波曼(Frank Borman),後者在人類第一次繞行月球的任務中帶著扶輪旗幟。

Rotarian name droppers can have even more fun by tapping into the store of honorary Rotarians, who run the gamut from humanitarian Albert Schweitzer, an honorary member of clubs in both France and Germany, to baseball great Connie Mack, to Cecil B. DeMille, one of Hollywood's legendary directors and producers. Other Rotarian celebrities include the New Zealand mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary and U.S. astronaut Frank Borman, who carried a Rotary banner on the first manned orbit of the moon.


For more names of luminaries in Rotary's history, see the list of famous Rotarians included in the centennial promotion kit that is being mailed to each club. Note that the list of 100 famous Rotarians includes only 90 names; the list makers left room for clubs to add 10 eminent Rotarians from their own part of the world.




湯姆斯曼.jpg  當小說家湯姆斯‧曼不在創作「魔山」與「魂斷威尼斯」等傑作時,便是在參加德國慕尼黑(Munich)扶輪社的每週例會





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